Friday, December 17, 2010

Quotes For 3rd Birthday



The Province of Varese and the Company Local Health Varese, in the interests of subsidiarity and development activities carried out by non-profit organizations operating in the territory for the benefit of the whole community, support the initiatives undertaken by the Voluntary AVID (Association of Voluntary Service Disabled and Disabled Varese) In the category for the area.

In particular, in order to support the and daily needs of the disabled in the territory of Varese, Varese Province the sensitive category and won with Avid Varese Onlus, a vehicle to multiadattato guide, to be made available to people disabled or handicapped, to acquire or reclassify the license B special.

With the availability of this vehicle in the province, courtesy of Avid Free use of the Driving school that joined the project Auto H adapted to continue travel ", avoids the candidate, the burden of costs for the acquisition or reclassification of the special B license.

multiadattato The vehicle, equipped with necessary tools for any problem physical, prepared with a guide modified to be used for driving school, to understand even if the aids prescribed by the competent Commission Asl, correspond exactly to the needs and physical problems of the subject.

During the test drive, next to the candidate, there will always be a trained instructor on issues that can help explain the functionality of the technology installed at the guide, follow the correct use and functionality of the car in order to drive safely. Following this protocol, the test drive of the disabled or invalid, it will eventually more accurate and safer than a driving school as a private.

Technical devices are infrared, to remove and replace, you can move from right to left, has automatic transmission, you may need to provide aids for the deaf, just as planned imposed by the Commission and Provincial Patent Disabled. In addition, this adaptive can also be used by the Provincial Commission for the Disabled Patents any driving tests, avoiding queues months and months, disputes and resentment, before being tested in the simulator of the Lombardy Region.

Inoltre, A.V.I.D. Varese Onlus, rende noto che da subito è possibile ricevere un sostegno economico realizzato con il contributo di Regione Lombardia, per tutti coloro che acquisiscono la patente B speciale.

                           Questo nuovo progetto riguarda in particolare:

·         Sostegno   economico   per l’acquisto e montaggio degli ausili
Ogni disabile o invalido su presentazione di idonee pezze giustificative di spesa e    documenti che evidenziano il reddito del soggetto richiedente, possono richiedere ad AVID un economic support to facilitate the purchase and installation of the devices required by the appropriate committee in order to improve and maintain over time, autonomy and mobility with the proper guidance of your car;

· Financial support for purchase of special license B
All disabled and invalids of the province Varese, interested acquisition della patente B speciale, potranno richiedere ad AVID Varese Onlus un contributo economico per sostenere i costi sostenuti presso qualsiasi   Autoscuola del territorio, dietro presentazione di idonea documentazione.  
Con questa iniziativa, legata al sostegno dei costi dell’Autoscuola che gravano non poco su questi soggetti svantaggiati, la Provincia di Varese, l’ASL di Varese e   AVID Varese Onlus, intendono fare rete per migliorare l’autonomia mediante la mobilità delle persone invalide o disabili.
·         Information, help, care and support of volunteers Avid V Arese Onlus, at their doors to free
For the processing of all those practices of administrative, bureaucratic and welfare that the disabled, the disabled or the ordinary citizen, is faced with difficulties and time consuming. Avid Varese Onlus is made available by their volunteers, even after a special agreement with the Asl Varese, to collect subscriptions for; acquisition, reclassification and renewal of licenses, special B.
Moreover, in addition to providing information and facilitating access to the protections and rights guaranteed by our legal system, provide information and assistance to accidents at work, at the request of the request for civil and disability pension, and facilitation discounts negotiated with car manufacturers to purchase auto assistance CAF collaborative for completing the tax return, mod. RED, ISE, ICI, and DSUs FSA. Even the tax return for the disabled, in addition to other items, is free.
Avid Varese Onlus The doors are completely available, depending on the day set out in the following municipalities: which Varese Provincial Headquarters, Gallarate, Olgiate Olona, \u200b\u200bJerago con Orago, Castiglione Olona. New opening doors and Luino Laveno Mombello. For schedules visit

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chipcard Reader/writer

A landmark discovery?

Sto seguendo NasaTv ...

Se ho capito bene, nel Mono Lake in California hanno scoperto un batterio, che pur essendo basato sul dna come noi, ha sostituito un componente base per la vita come la conosciamo ... pardon, come la conoscevamo ...... il fosforo, con un altro molto abbondante nel suo ambiente: l'arsenico.

A quanto pare la Vita non ha un solo modo di esprimersi, e, forse, in posti che a noi sembrano "invivibili" la vita si e' comunque sviluppata basandosi su elementi chimici diversi dai nostri!