Thursday, June 26, 2008

He Masterbates In Front Of Me

tempo di disillusioni

beat Italy strength.
is a historical fact, a dogma. in the history of world football, beat the big four national of Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Italy in the knockout stages, you strength. is a bit like food and turn into vampire sucking the blood of their own ambitions to win. Spain and a semifinal game with a great personality and conviction, as never before. too was the desire to arrive in the final and, after beating nemesis Italy, has become a must play a game of maximum thickness against Russia.

dreams dazed.
a miracle is repeated on average every thirty years. so that è congedato otto rehhagel dopo l'eliminazione della grecia dall'ultimo europeo. ma l'eccessiva voglia di credere ai sogni, e di trastullarsi nel mondo delle favole, frastorna per poi disilludere. la russia oggi ha perso la sua forza, una prestazione poco accattivante, caotica e vittima di eccessiva deconcentrazione: innumerevoli le giocate sbagliate dai singoli, persino zhirkov e arshavin, gli elementi di spicco per valori tecnici, non ne hanno azzeccata una. una partita giocata da mestieranti, senz'anima, senza spirito guerriero e in balia del divario tecnico, di cattiveria agonistica e di personalità nei confronti degli spagnoli.

nella morsa degli spagnoli.
la russia tatticamente è stata neutralizzata dagli spagnoli. la Low defense, humble and sealed with a shield to protect the senna systematically rear package has curbed what little is left of terrorist counterattacks of the past games. the midfield large, fast, technical and continuous movement of the Iberian ruled unchallenged up to mock your opponent with bulls and lobbies olè graceful among the public. the technical quality of all elements in Spain has led to efforts choral perhaps too narcissistic but who have had the advantage of being able to sink shots with ease and coolness at the appropriate times.

the weak equilibrium is a long thread millimeter thickness so as to be virtually invisible. Rehhagel's Greece four years makes it even managed to ride without breaking it. Russia is situated on top of it too, until he lost his balance and fall into a dull thud.
Hiddink has watched the last minutes of the game at half a meter from the line of the field, soaked in the rain as close as possible to its players. a gesture of affection for these kids who have dreamed the whole Russian people. the dream has experienced a significant slowdown, or perhaps I should say a kick in the teeth, but after all the miracles are not controlling or maybe there already, and it is that they have reached the semi-final, Russia's national territory by unknown before € 2008.

goodbye matrioska mechanical ...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Halle Berry In Catwoman Hairstyle

il capolavoro

Saviola, Riquelme, Saviola, Cambiasso, Crespo, Cambiasso.
refined touch, perfect dosage.
work of art balloon.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tannish Cm A Day Before My Period

moments. tension. nerves. looks. cunning. psychology. luck. destiny.

is cool to carry the weight of his country on his shoulders. all in a moment.

release or torment.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Absorption Of Paper Towels


Hiddink's Russia did not awe, took over Holland, but no fear. and win by about European and honor this.

is perfect amalgam of the Dutch coach, master tactician and life, and surgical care and perfection to the work by the Russian athletes, commendable and extraordinary in terms of travel, speed and stamina, and respectable in technical values \u200b\u200band individualism leading to Andrei Arshavin, a continuous and relentless thorn in the side of opposing defenses, with his eyes fell on the ball, his speed, dribbling tight, bright and assists his sharp shooting.

the game.
these Europeans in the Netherlands has shown serious shortcomings defensive tactics being done in a very superficial and incomplete, with the defenders in totale balia della propria mediocrità. ma nella fase a gironi ha avuto la sua giusta fortuna, sfoggiando un gioco d'attacco sfavillante.
questa volta però ha dovuto fare i conti con la fase difensiva orchestrata da hiddink: lineare, ordinata, di grande concentrazione, pazienza e forza di nervi. e l'olanda è finita per rimanere imbrigliata, stritolata nella morsa russa: pressing serrato sul portatore di palla e una stoica marcatura a uomo sugli avversari in movimento. una mossa perfetta per distruggere la forza dei singoli orange e il loro frenetico movimento alla ricerca dello spazio e della verticalizzazione giusta, anche quando gli olandesi, in svantaggio, si gettano in avanti con gran forza ma picchiando la testa sul muro russo almeno fino Van Nistelrooy's goal, which exploits the unique minimal suffering shown by the men of Hiddink: defending the set piece. too perfect, but perfection is not of this world.
the Russians did not lose heart and after the orange tie back into the chair, to earn honor with the next round. Holland, after the new disadvantages desist, kneels and bows his head before the mother russia.

russia pyrotechnics.
absolute perfection of Russia has its legitimate actions offensive outburst spectacular. attacks are real frontal assaults to their opponents. the counterattacks a devastating weapon, created with frightening speed and with a minimum of four men who flock to bring all metacampo of suicide bombers in attacking, but suicide bombers are endowed with unusual caution since each attacks a specific space and with a certain role in order to orchestrate a remarkable range of opportunities to shoot on goal. at the end of the races, had the opportunities are endless and it is only common sense that not all of them turn into goals.

football is work, but at the same time than pride. but is also aware of the tactical balance, what is lacking in Russia's infamous debut against Spain, and Hiddink has had to take care of finding a team on the roof of Europe masterpiece.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Getting Scabs In Nostril

un classico in trincea

in Belo Horizonte is waiting for the show, usually one of the classic between Argentina and Brazil. but in the end prevailed disappointment. and whistles, not too timid, have accompanied the release of twenty-two players from the field.

but in truth, the game yesterday was excellent. a long and continuous battle in midfield. tirelessly and with bated breath. a war of nerves. a tug of war continued inextricable for ninety minutes. voltage and hot sweat on the faces of twenty-two. spasmodic pending the Supreme came out played out of that maze metacampo reason to give one or the other team.

but the balance has been better. many conflicts have made physical host.
the Manon Abbondanzieri rejects two hits without fail Julio Baptista the beast first, and then click on action set piece, a parable arquata and powerful live in the seven and rising above the head of riquelme, bouncing a couple of centimeters in the middle of the barrier. riquelme but you can not ask certain things, jump over a rickety old or chasing an opponent. he is made to create, the magnetic ball at his feet in the middle of the opposing pincers, waiting for a vision of the game shine with charm to give a ball to a teammate miraculous push by the network. issues of millimeters, of naturalness and miracles. and the stroke of genius once again came out from his feet, but there is a difference of belief to believe between him and the miracles that rocked julio cruz, touches the ball with the left external despicable that up to one meter above the roof of julio cesar.

lines leads remain inviolate, dies by the excitement of the classic goals of those who never forget. but football is also a battle, tension, nerves, balance and miracle that not everyone can understand.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cheer Competition Spirit Signs

equilibrio azzurro

an Italy is working and does not want to overdo it! where all men took to the field remain respectful of its gaming space and its size tecnicotattiche. putting aside the deformation of 433 strings that are not in the purest of Italian football but also the tactical chaos disfigured against Romania, Donadoni's last group match, against France, including the tricks of the trade and miraculously got it more suitable for the formation and blood for our colors. purely defensive balance with medium-low center of gravity of the team has enabled our components to give their best, giving us a perfect game and winning, a victory of nerves, personality and breed top division.

pirlo the more or less left inside was actually a double edged sword because it could not agonize being held, but the low center of gravity and balance defense has allowed very aware that this does not happen, it has protected and meant that pirlo came out in all its splendor and creative visionary. Gattuso and Perrotta made their great work, tactical model while the real "craque" of Italy and France has proved Daniele De Rossi, her first tough match of great in blue, perfect in the work by closing the center median and to revive the action, metronome, and excelled at last with great personality. to complete the work we thought Cassano, in truth too shy and gentle but always consistent and fair, and Luca Toni, a striker of extraordinary physical esageratezza, a king of the penalty area and with his strength gets smaller defenders Afro-French and at least four times all alone in front of Coupet, benefit assists prodigious Pirlo and Cassano and his obsession with physical space in the area. a note should be made also of value to Buffon, who in spite of the pumped peter cech is over ten years that never loses a chance to be decisive and perfect in its barrier on the goal line.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Indian Wedding Invitation Wordings Funny

flebile equilibrio

euro 2008, greece, russia, 33 minutes. Nikopolidis goes walking in the area, Semak down the middle and zyrianov swells the net, all alone in the middle of a defense remained stunned.

so that concludes the European team champions, Rehhagel's Greece. in reality there would be another sixty minutes to get back into racing, but it is not così semplice.

è una questione di fato, di destino, di equilibri mistici che bastardi ti girano le spalle. perchè sì, la grecia di rehhagel è una squadra minimale e guerriera, fondata tutto sul muro difensivo e sullo spirito battagliero degli undici uomini buttati in campo. e fondamentale è che tutto stia al suo posto, che il muro regga affinchè resti in piedi l'unico gioco con cui rehhagel può tenere in corsa questa squadra. hanno vinto un europeo grazie alla difensa ermetica e alle palle alte girate in rete. quattro anni più tardi, oggi, quell'equilibrio vincente si è sgretolato impietosamente prima sotto il colpo del fenomeno ibra che con un destro fuori dal mondo sgretola il muro greco nella partita di debut against Sweden and then with the duck Nikopolidis who stretches, mercilessly, the hope of a second miracle. football live even episodes of loose ball fortuitously ended up in the network, colossal ducks or genuine technical miracles. and when everything turns against you that fate turns out to be merciless. so that Greece is the result after the handicap chase against Russia ... but the game ends, the Greek team has no players capable of offending with quality and continuity of Hiddink's Russian athletes are risking counterattacks in the easy game several times to round off the scoring.

and that's Otto Rehhagel raises white flag in the absence of that weak balance che tanto conta nel calcio, come quel millimetro di fuorigioco che gli ha impedito di festeggiare il pareggio.