Thursday, June 26, 2008

He Masterbates In Front Of Me

tempo di disillusioni

beat Italy strength.
is a historical fact, a dogma. in the history of world football, beat the big four national of Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Italy in the knockout stages, you strength. is a bit like food and turn into vampire sucking the blood of their own ambitions to win. Spain and a semifinal game with a great personality and conviction, as never before. too was the desire to arrive in the final and, after beating nemesis Italy, has become a must play a game of maximum thickness against Russia.

dreams dazed.
a miracle is repeated on average every thirty years. so that è congedato otto rehhagel dopo l'eliminazione della grecia dall'ultimo europeo. ma l'eccessiva voglia di credere ai sogni, e di trastullarsi nel mondo delle favole, frastorna per poi disilludere. la russia oggi ha perso la sua forza, una prestazione poco accattivante, caotica e vittima di eccessiva deconcentrazione: innumerevoli le giocate sbagliate dai singoli, persino zhirkov e arshavin, gli elementi di spicco per valori tecnici, non ne hanno azzeccata una. una partita giocata da mestieranti, senz'anima, senza spirito guerriero e in balia del divario tecnico, di cattiveria agonistica e di personalità nei confronti degli spagnoli.

nella morsa degli spagnoli.
la russia tatticamente è stata neutralizzata dagli spagnoli. la Low defense, humble and sealed with a shield to protect the senna systematically rear package has curbed what little is left of terrorist counterattacks of the past games. the midfield large, fast, technical and continuous movement of the Iberian ruled unchallenged up to mock your opponent with bulls and lobbies olè graceful among the public. the technical quality of all elements in Spain has led to efforts choral perhaps too narcissistic but who have had the advantage of being able to sink shots with ease and coolness at the appropriate times.

the weak equilibrium is a long thread millimeter thickness so as to be virtually invisible. Rehhagel's Greece four years makes it even managed to ride without breaking it. Russia is situated on top of it too, until he lost his balance and fall into a dull thud.
Hiddink has watched the last minutes of the game at half a meter from the line of the field, soaked in the rain as close as possible to its players. a gesture of affection for these kids who have dreamed the whole Russian people. the dream has experienced a significant slowdown, or perhaps I should say a kick in the teeth, but after all the miracles are not controlling or maybe there already, and it is that they have reached the semi-final, Russia's national territory by unknown before € 2008.

goodbye matrioska mechanical ...


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