Friday, December 17, 2010

Quotes For 3rd Birthday



The Province of Varese and the Company Local Health Varese, in the interests of subsidiarity and development activities carried out by non-profit organizations operating in the territory for the benefit of the whole community, support the initiatives undertaken by the Voluntary AVID (Association of Voluntary Service Disabled and Disabled Varese) In the category for the area.

In particular, in order to support the and daily needs of the disabled in the territory of Varese, Varese Province the sensitive category and won with Avid Varese Onlus, a vehicle to multiadattato guide, to be made available to people disabled or handicapped, to acquire or reclassify the license B special.

With the availability of this vehicle in the province, courtesy of Avid Free use of the Driving school that joined the project Auto H adapted to continue travel ", avoids the candidate, the burden of costs for the acquisition or reclassification of the special B license.

multiadattato The vehicle, equipped with necessary tools for any problem physical, prepared with a guide modified to be used for driving school, to understand even if the aids prescribed by the competent Commission Asl, correspond exactly to the needs and physical problems of the subject.

During the test drive, next to the candidate, there will always be a trained instructor on issues that can help explain the functionality of the technology installed at the guide, follow the correct use and functionality of the car in order to drive safely. Following this protocol, the test drive of the disabled or invalid, it will eventually more accurate and safer than a driving school as a private.

Technical devices are infrared, to remove and replace, you can move from right to left, has automatic transmission, you may need to provide aids for the deaf, just as planned imposed by the Commission and Provincial Patent Disabled. In addition, this adaptive can also be used by the Provincial Commission for the Disabled Patents any driving tests, avoiding queues months and months, disputes and resentment, before being tested in the simulator of the Lombardy Region.

Inoltre, A.V.I.D. Varese Onlus, rende noto che da subito è possibile ricevere un sostegno economico realizzato con il contributo di Regione Lombardia, per tutti coloro che acquisiscono la patente B speciale.

                           Questo nuovo progetto riguarda in particolare:

·         Sostegno   economico   per l’acquisto e montaggio degli ausili
Ogni disabile o invalido su presentazione di idonee pezze giustificative di spesa e    documenti che evidenziano il reddito del soggetto richiedente, possono richiedere ad AVID un economic support to facilitate the purchase and installation of the devices required by the appropriate committee in order to improve and maintain over time, autonomy and mobility with the proper guidance of your car;

· Financial support for purchase of special license B
All disabled and invalids of the province Varese, interested acquisition della patente B speciale, potranno richiedere ad AVID Varese Onlus un contributo economico per sostenere i costi sostenuti presso qualsiasi   Autoscuola del territorio, dietro presentazione di idonea documentazione.  
Con questa iniziativa, legata al sostegno dei costi dell’Autoscuola che gravano non poco su questi soggetti svantaggiati, la Provincia di Varese, l’ASL di Varese e   AVID Varese Onlus, intendono fare rete per migliorare l’autonomia mediante la mobilità delle persone invalide o disabili.
·         Information, help, care and support of volunteers Avid V Arese Onlus, at their doors to free
For the processing of all those practices of administrative, bureaucratic and welfare that the disabled, the disabled or the ordinary citizen, is faced with difficulties and time consuming. Avid Varese Onlus is made available by their volunteers, even after a special agreement with the Asl Varese, to collect subscriptions for; acquisition, reclassification and renewal of licenses, special B.
Moreover, in addition to providing information and facilitating access to the protections and rights guaranteed by our legal system, provide information and assistance to accidents at work, at the request of the request for civil and disability pension, and facilitation discounts negotiated with car manufacturers to purchase auto assistance CAF collaborative for completing the tax return, mod. RED, ISE, ICI, and DSUs FSA. Even the tax return for the disabled, in addition to other items, is free.
Avid Varese Onlus The doors are completely available, depending on the day set out in the following municipalities: which Varese Provincial Headquarters, Gallarate, Olgiate Olona, \u200b\u200bJerago con Orago, Castiglione Olona. New opening doors and Luino Laveno Mombello. For schedules visit

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chipcard Reader/writer

A landmark discovery?

Sto seguendo NasaTv ...

Se ho capito bene, nel Mono Lake in California hanno scoperto un batterio, che pur essendo basato sul dna come noi, ha sostituito un componente base per la vita come la conosciamo ... pardon, come la conoscevamo ...... il fosforo, con un altro molto abbondante nel suo ambiente: l'arsenico.

A quanto pare la Vita non ha un solo modo di esprimersi, e, forse, in posti che a noi sembrano "invivibili" la vita si e' comunque sviluppata basandosi su elementi chimici diversi dai nostri!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Best Brand Of Depilatory Cream For Pubic Region

UNA SERATA ALLE STELLE,..... POI..... DAL 5X1000.... AL 1,25X1000

Thursday, 25/11/2010, Sailing at the Cinema of Varese was held on the evening of the disabled, a large group, about 2000 people where the occasion was presented to disability sport in Varese. were present at the event many local, provincial and regional authorities, were all representatives of local newspapers and photographers, many disabled, at least as they are called, a phrase that we share the greed Varese little short, ; all the best sport in the context of disability, an appointment by the company and felt very Varese and all its politicians.

Noi siamo da sempre convinti, vista l’esperienza maturata, che se un disabile viene seguito correttamente secondo le proprie esigenze, e gi viene messo a disposizione un lavoro confacente o meglio, adeguato ai suoi problemi fisici o psichici, è un cittadino che nella sua quotidianità offre un contributo   come un normodotato, in poche parole è da considerarsi un cittadino abile anche se in modo diverso e quindi,   una vera risorsa per il nostro paese.
In una serata emozionante, sotto il profilo atletico e morale, una serata per ricordare, confrontarsi e continuare a vivere, dove tutti si sono adoperati per esaltare gli atleti di ogni categoria e per dimostrare ad altri che lo sport come il lavoro, rende questa fascia sociale attiva e autonoma.

Ogni giorno, ogni cittadino, percorre il sentiero dei valori, ogni giorno l’uomo lavora per migliorarsi la vita e quindi, anche   quella   dei meno fortunati.  

Dal palco ogni tanto   arrivava qualche frecciata, per ricordare quanto è stato immenso il sostegno alla categoria nel nostro paese, diversamente invece, tanta poca comprensione è stata evidenziata in questi giorni dal Ministro dell’Economia.

Noi dell’AVID Varese Onlus, non ci siamo mai permessi di chiedere sostegni economici per arricchire il gruppo di volontari, se   abbiamo chiesti dei sostegni economici pubblici,   era ed   è solamente,   per sostenere e soddisfare le esigenze primarie o per attivare dei servizi inesistenti per questa fascia sociale.   

Due anni fa l‘AVID Varese Onlus, was activated to receive any citizen who so desires, the donation of 5x1000. To date, we have not received anything and do not even know what we have been given. Instead, we now know with certainty, that have already been cut and reduced to 1.25 x 1000.

Certainly our daily work will not stop, we will continue to do it for us was a lifestyle choice, the reduction of 5x1000 certainly can not stop, even as the first still play in silence nostro lavoro, volontario e gratuito.

Anche la campagna di verifiche dell’invalidità dell’INPS,   viene condotta in modo vessatorio nei confronti di disabili e invalidi invece che mirata e giustamente alla crescita di essi.
Nella realtà dei fatti, ogni cittadino Italiano con problemi fisici, inoltrava come la inoltra tutt’ora, la domanda di invalidità all’INPS, poi oggi come in passato, è la Commissione pubblica della ASL a decretare se ne ha diritto oppure no!.

Di fronte a tutto questo, obiettivamente ci viene difficile trovare because a logical and rational about what we are experiencing, while continuing to seek to improve the daily lives of disabled and infirm, it creates an unacceptable "war among the poor" by denying the real recognition and dignity of Italian citizens like everyone else, can be a resource of this country.

must be said clearly that those who are entitled to financial support provided by various entities, some are figures that can sustain and live with disabilities and disabled like a well-off.

let us know yours.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Do A Sew In With Side Bangs




Questo bando, fatto dalla Regione Lombardia, prevede di poter avere un contributo nel caso di acquisto e stipula di un mutuo. Il bando è attualmente destinato a:
  • giovani coppie (entrambi i componenti non devono aver compito 40 years' age at the date of application)
  • pregnant sun
  • single parent with one or more dependent children
  • families with three children.
To access the call must have the following requirements:
  • indicator ISE standard not exceeding € 35,000.00 =
  • value of the property purchased, or DIY 's renovating old buildings not exceeding € 280,000.00 and not less than € = = 25000.00 including VAT
  • mortgage or financing required for the purchase, DIY or recovery of the property, of not less than five years' maximum amount of € 280,000.00 = and not less than € 25,000.00.
also for non-EU nationals are required:
  • possession of a residence permit (or residence card) at least two years
  • the course of legal employment or self-employed by at least one of the members of the family.
The period within which you must possess or meet all the requirements specified in the invitation 2010, established from 1 July 2009 to June 30, 2011 including .

Applications will be submitted to the CAAF agreement with the Lombardy Region (Green Company) in collaboration with Avid Varese Onlus, from 1st December 2010 to January 31, 2011 (from a family member of the owner or co-holder of 'property and the loan / financing) and completed by July 10, 2011 , otherwise deprived of his right.

The free service is supported by the volunteer with the simple offering. For more information please contact us at 0332-1692543, or our volunteer branches throughout the towns of the Province

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Get Pokemon From Cydia


F oto Renault Kangoo , piano ribassato e sospensioni pneumatiche

Si carica una carrozzella senza alcuna fatica e c’è il blocco carrozzella

4 comodi posti + nr. 1 carrozzina = 5 totali

Percorso solamente 28.000 km

Cilindrata  CC  1.200 benzina

Anno immatricolazione, ottobre 2007

Cambio manuale , prezzo interessante trattabile

Contattare AVID Varese Onlus: info 0332-1692543, oppure, Autofficina Minazzi Massimo: info 0332-311281


Monday, November 1, 2010

Bang Bros Apartment Miami Beach


A new association was founded in January 2008 and named after the first "Avid Varese and then, after a few months of life, has become a non-profit organization" . A non-political association, which, after having prepared the group, given the experience gained in care of its volunteers, but also upgraded all of its components, has started a project and coordination assistance for the disabled and infirm to INPS, INAIL, ASL and Motor Vehicles on a voluntary basis for free, taking care of the welfare plan for the protection and improvement of quality of life and work of invalids, disabled workers and injured workers, as well as widows and orphans of the fallen at work.
Opera also, as they have always done in the past all its volunteers and founding members, to promote the safety of workers in the workplace, even necessary sensitizing public opinion, working with the persons entitled to a suitable work, including the organization of thematic conferences, working with the various sports events for disabled people, in order to enhance the inclusion of the subject uncomfortable in the workplace, social and cultural. Works to improve the everyday people with disabilities through increased mobility, offering discounts and benefits already agreed to buy cars. Directs the disabled on the exemption provided for in the automotive field and provides a car multiadattata to acquire, renew licenses and reclassify Special B without rental costs, costs for some tiered Driving schools that have joined the service and economic support money for the expenses incurred by disabled people. This is what he has persuaded to join, and then to undertake a voluntary path to where the rights of citizens are being neglected in some cases from both the legislative and cultural and welfare work. Our humble professionalism, for voluntary assistance in collaboration with CAF and patronage has enabled the group of about 15 volunteers, scattered in the province of Varese, to address directly the issues in question. This initiative is just as associations in organizing a volunteer work, free to offer all citizens who need or request it, a set of social security and welfare services, at no cost, no membership cards, without withholding it from the salary, he retired from, much less demands on the Rights of percentages recovered. The association of those concerned, is totally free, it is not expected statutariarmente no membership fee, but only donations, in the entity and the possibility of persons wishing to help. Technical work performed in the highest sense of values, to the members and to any citizen who requests it. The Avid Varese actively strives every day, even in speeding the practices undertaken at the appropriate bodies, trying to eliminate the usual red tape, advising, directing and even necessary in some cases using external professionals or agencies, management to:
- occupational accidents, occupational diseases and accidents
    in Itinere
-  richiesta del Danno biologico.
-  richiesta di invalidita’ civile con visite, certificazione e
   assistenza in 
   Commissione ASL, del Medico Legale in convenzione
-  richieste pensionistiche in genere e previdenziali  
-  assistenza disabili acquisto auto, per la scontistica and
percentage agreed with the automakers.
- assistance on VAT rates, road tax exemption, exemption
- free tax assistance for the disabled through the CAF.
- PIT recovery car purchase.
- cost recovery changes to the car INAIL, the ASL and
Regional Law 23.
-  iscrizione per la visita presso l’ufficio provinciale patenti
-  modifiche auto con officine autorizzate.
-  conseguimento e riclassificazione patenti B Speciali con
   macchina multiadattata senza costi di noleggio
-  prove ed esame di guida con auto adattata modificabile
   per qualsiasi patologia.
- autoscuole specializzate con costi calmierati, con
   macchina multiadattata  AVID, per l’autoscuola per
   disabili e invalidi
Con questo e con quanto espresso in queste poche righe, L’A.V.I.D. Varese onlus, grazie ai suoi volontari, sta cercando di rivoluzionare un vecchio e odioso sistema assistenziale partito e sostenuto dalla meta del secolo scorso. Una cattiva cultura, dove per un'assistenza già pagata dal Governo, veniva, come avviene ancora oggi, prima la richiesta di denaro al cittadino per il tesseramento e successivamente, percentuali sui diritti recuperati. Certamente questi volontari a Varese non hanno scoperto l’acqua calda, ma stanno lavorando per farsi che ogni cittadino possa essere assistito in modo dignitoso e trasparente verso tutti i suoi diritti, senza mettere mano al portafoglio. I volontari dell’AVID Varese Onlus con grosse difficoltà nel paese degli interessi ci stanno provando, il lavoro di assistenza e coordinamento cresce ogni giorno, questo è anche un segnale del cambiamento, un segnale che ogni cittadino, ogni giorno, si rende conto che l’assistenza è un diritto e non deve essere un costo o un interesse

Oggi l’Oggi l’AVID Varese Onlus, per questo progetto volontario, cosciente delle difficoltà ma non certo impossibile, è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi volontari da formare ed avviare presso i nostri sportelli volontari gratuiti sparsi nei vari Comuni della Provincia di Varese. Più volontari, per aiutare più cittadini che hanno bisogno di essere indirizzati, assistiti o accompagnati nei modi, metodi e sistemi burocratici più giusti e trasparenti. Ti aspettiamo!!

Homemade Indian Costume College

Blog di presentazione

Oggi Lunedì 01/11/2010 Nasce il primo Blog per l'associazione AVID Varese. Per la realizzazione ho utilizzato la piattaforma Blogger "gratuita", per sperimentare questo nuovo modo di comunicare con gli utenti in contatto con la nostra associazione. Spero che il lavoro abbia seguito e che possa servire al nostro volontariato. Grazie dal vostro collaboratore Roberto

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Make Phiten Necklaces Shorter


Orchestra Sinfonica del Lario
I CORSI sono aperti a direttori senza limiti di età e nazionalità, a musicisti (strumentisti, compositori, operatori musicali, insegnanti ... ) e studenti che già si occupino, a qualsiasi livello, di direzione e sentano l'esigenza di migliorare il proprio bagaglio tecnico-gestuale e le proprie capacità di studio delle partiture e di gestione delle prove.
Al termine dei corsi verrà rilasciato un diploma di frequenza.


Sono attivati two courses with different content in relation to the interests and needs of participants:
1. Technical course
2. Professional Course

1. Technical course
addressing the fundamental technical knowledge and gestures aimed at the direction of instrumental and vocal groups diversified will be developed further issues related to the study and preparation of scores and analyzed the different testing strategies. The course is divided into 10 lessons every two weeks, from January 16, 2011.

2. Professional Course
Aimed at those who already have knowledge of the analysis music and orchestration, intend to investigate further the conducting direction and towards a profile of educational improvement, also the preparation for competitions and the opening of a professional activity. Will be dealt with scores of even complex symphonic repertoire.
The detailed program will be provided to participants upon registration and can be integrated in relation to interest or personal needs, with particular emphasis on biennalizzazione triennalizzazione or the course.
Classes are divided into two monthly meetings, which will be held from January 16, 2011, for a total of 10 lessons. In four of these meetings will be the orchestra for exercises.
The best students will be selected for inclusion in the concert series of the Symphony Orchestra of the lake.

The best students of professional courses will have the opportunity to direct a public concert with the Orchestra Sinfonica del Lario. On that occasion the students will be awarded the degrees of frequency.

The technique course, as an introduction to conducting, is open to all and does not require possession of special qualifications.
For professional courses, providing a maximum number of actual students, will riferimento all'ordine di presentazione delle domande d'iscrizione; si svolgerà inoltre un colloquio preliminare che servirà a valutare il grado di preparazione musicale (studi precedenti, titoli di studio, esperienze ecc.).
È’ consentita la partecipazione ai corsi anche in qualità di uditori.

Pierangelo Gelmini
Ha compiuto gli studi musicali al Conservatorio di Milano, affiancando alle discipline strumentali la composizione e la direzione d'orchestra. Ha quindi proseguito gli studi di direzione a Stoccarda, Ginevra e Berlino, perfezionandosi con Arpad Gerecz, Janos Fürst e Juri Simonov. E' vincitore dei concorsi internazionali di direzione d'orchestra "Johannes Brahms Dirigentenwettbewerb (Mürzzuschlag, 1989), "Competition ORT Orchestra of Tuscany (Florence 1990)," Prokofiev Competition 1993 "(St. Petersburg).

After his operatic debut with Bizet's Carmen in Milan in 1992 he was assistant to Peter Maag at the Teatro Comunale in Treviso, where he worked in the production of The Turkish Italy and Lucia di Lammermoor and directed several symphonic concerts. He attended a course on lead vocal by Joan Sutherland and Regina Resnik. It becomes then an assistant to Richard Bonynge.

guest of major orchestras regional Italian and European orchestras (& Gächinger Kantorei Bach Collegium Stuttgart, New Irish Chamber Orchestra, Steirisches Symphonie Orchester, Solisten des Festspielhauses Bayreuth, Craiova Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of the Conservatory of Lugano, Bacau Philharmonic Orchestra, Berliner Symphoniker, Mediterranean Symphony Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Lomza), leader of the Orchestra Rossini in Pesaro to Ancona the naming of the concert at Teatro Franco Corelli.

Since 2001, principal conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the lake, the guidance that has directed more than 100 symphonic concerts and numerous dramatic productions created in collaboration with writers such as Eduardo Rescigno and Elisa Salvaterra. He has made recordings of concerts dedicated to Mercadante, alla prima ripresa in tempi moderni della Danza macabra di Kastner e un DVD sul Requiem di Mozart. Nel settembre 2009 ha inciso per RAI Trade in prima esecuzione assoluta l'opera Il sogno di Galileo di Federico Bonetti Amendola.

Con riferimento ai suoi studi sull'opera italiana, ha collaborato con riviste musicali quali Le petit Figaro dell'Opéra di Liegi e L'ErbaMusica (Laboratorio di Musicologia applicata di Milano). Ha tenuto conferenze sul melodramma italiano e pubblicato due studi nel volume Guide des opéras de Mozart (Fayard-Paris).

Dal 2001 al 2004 è stato “Direttore musicale stabile” delle produzioni del Festival Autunno Musicale a Como, affiancando Italo Gomez nella ideazione e produzione di numerosi musical events and concerts throughout Europe and the Festival of Como. A Como stand out from the openings 2001 (Mahler, Ravel, Debussy) and 2004 with the creation of the Festival Baroque Orchestra (Keiser: Markus Passion, 2002, Handel: The Resurrection, 2003, and the Carmelite Vespers, 2004) and collaborations with artists like Dietrich Wagner, Tatiana Korovin, Katerina Didaskalou, Michele Barchi, Giuliano Sommerhalder, Sonia Bergamasco, Cristina Amedeo Amodio, Alessandro Molin, Monteverdi Choir Budapest and Brno Ars Brunensis

In 2002, he established close collaboration with Cairo Symphony Orchestra, with whom he has performed concerts at the Cairo Opera House and the Festival of Alexandria.

Nel 2004 diventa direttore stabile della stagione d'opera lirica del Teatro delle Erbe di Milano. Nell'ambito di una programmazione di carattere divulgativo e tradizionale, alla guida dell'Orchestra Filarmonica di Milano, dirige in un triennio tutti i principali titoli del repertorio italiano (Madama Butterfly, Bohème, Tosca, Norma, Rigoletto, Traviata, Trovatore. Un Ballo in Maschera, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, L'Elisir d'amore, Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni). Dal 2006 è Direttore Principale della stagione d'opera lirica al Castello Sforzesco prodotta dal Comune di Milano dove dirige Elisir d’amore (2006), Il Trovatore (2007), Tosca e La Traviata (2008), La Bohème (2009), Aida (2010).

E 'regular member of juries for international competitions such as the Composition Competition Oliviero Fusi, The Contest "Tagliavini" of Voghera and the last two editions of the International Singing Competition "Magda Oliveiro" Cusani Palace in Milan.

courses held annually since 1997 in conducting the Philharmonic Orchestra of Craiova Philharmonic Orchestra of Bacau. Professor at the Conservatory of Como, regularly directs opera workshops and seminars in conducting at the Conservatory of Lugano.

E 'Honorary member of the Association of Franco Corelli Ancona.


Euro Entry 100
(after registration deadline January 1, 2011)
Technical course Euro 350 Euro 800
Professional Course

Euro 160 (no enrollment fee)


The inscriptions also telephone or fax, will be carried out by 1 January 2011.
Upon registration the fee must be paid by money order to:

via Pontida 5 - PO Box 12 -
22063 Cantu' (Como)
ccp 54801691

Telephone & Fax: 031.706418

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cellular Respiration In A Mammal


you can now buy our latest CD "VAGAMONDO" directly from ' iTunes Store.

click the iTunes button to download our CD.


VAGAMONDO is stopping sound of a musical journey through the cultures and traditions.
It 's the result of over ten years of passionate research, carried out by a group of musicians, each with its wealth of curiosity, songs, notes, scores and other musical instruments.

purpose of the trip is to build a bridge between past and present, proposing melodic and celebrating in a spontaneous and direct a sound universe made up of memories, traditions, atmosphere, colors, contrasts, rhythms, sounds of celebration and nostalgia.

VAGAMONDO is also a group of friends, ritrovatosi necessity, perhaps for fate ... a violin, a viola, a guitar and a bass too cumbersome, close up of a wagon carrying out their fantasies, driven by sparkling musical ideas for a walk around the world.

the reins of the wagon George, Charles and his violin with the guitar. Crammed between
Storage, Lorenzo and Achilles with viola and double bass.

The VAGAMONDO leaves a trail in its wake
... and while the journey continues ...


Dance Dance
Mantua or Mantua Air is one of those issues that cross For several centuries the history of our music. Cited in the sixteenth century, the air of Mantua, with Roger, the Romanesque, Madness, The Tit and Bergamo, enjoys widespread also to accompany the sacred liturgical texts. Later he had utilized as a tool. The proposed version is derived from the collection of Joseph Giamberti Duo / fabrics with different / solfege minds / pranks, tricksters, obligations et / some motivated by different airs / "(1664)

Ballo di Mantova
The second version of Ballo di Mantova, also known as the Bal Barabén "or" Dance of the Dead "was one of the songs most requested to the late Melchiade Benni, the great violinist popular in his concerts. Documenta's ties to folk music, ancient Hebrew and ancient rituals.

E Bal Francés' one of the "sonata" in the repertoire of dances of the extraordinary Bagolino carnival, musical heritage handed down by oral tradition only.

The dance can be considered "cheese" and his figures are similar to those of a polka very hopped in which the dancers, a man and a woman, they embraced.

E 'without doubt the largest traditional dance cheese. A dance very lively and excited, certainly resulting from ancient rituals.

In Hebrew, literally "good luck". The term has also been incorporated in the Yiddish language. The melody, joyful and intense, is used in the register of marriage.

"playing music, accompanied the bride, play music, play our tears"
Freylekh Zain
And 'one of the most popular dances of the Klezmer repertoire. Like the previous song is often performed at weddings.

Macedonian Dance 7 / 8 With a slow start and gradual acceleration.

Of Mesinke Ojsgegebn
(My youngest daughter is married) Song repertoire of the Yiddish wedding, "Isaac, hey you lazy. Why do not you play your bow? Wake up your musicians. They play or sleep? Break the strings of your instrument, my youngest daughter is married! "

the original version we have joined a fast Freilechs.
Carolan's Concerto or Mrs Power / Carolan's Draught
- Two "tunes" of Turlogh O'Carolans (1670-1738), Irish harpist and composer, blind since the age of 18 years. It was musician Wandering much appreciated, active throughout Ireland and especially Dublin. Its production has more than 200 tunes.

drowse Maggie
, pressing "reel" of the Irish tradition.

Ashokan Farewell a waltz composed by Jay Ungar for the soundtrack of the television series on the American Civil War.
Cripple Creek / Turkey in the Straw / East Tennessee Blues
Three songs that condense styles "old time" or "Appalachian style" and "Bluegrass." Communicative and exuberant music par excellence, in which we can recognize elements of western swing, as the blues and traditional forms of sacred and profane Southern white farmer.

Giorgio Molteni - violin
Ravazzani Lorenzo - Purple
Carlo Ferro - guitars
Achilles Bocuse - bass

17/01/2009 Location Basilica di San Vincenzo in Galliano (Canterbury)
Sound engineer: Fabiano Stefanini
Graphics and Cover: Jordan Ceriani

How To Make A Vhf Uhf Transformer

Design Festival ® in Brianza - CREATIVE LABS

Mostra - “MATERIALI IN GIOCO: Laboratori creativi per bambini alla scoperta dei materiali”

Mostra - “MATERIALI IN GIOCO: Laboratori creativi per bambini alla scoperta dei materiali”

Progetto culturale che rappresenta un modo nuovo, ottimistico e positivo di vivere l’ambiente, è un progetto dove i materiali di scarto industriale ed artigianale si trasformano in “preziose risorse creative”. Bambini ed adulti alla scoperta delle caratteristiche nascoste dei diversi materiali che compongono quell’infinito numero di piccoli oggetti con cui dare vita a una grande costruzione in una esperienza comune.

La mostra sarà organizzata presso la sede di CLAC in via Borgognone 12 a Cantù.

La mostra rimarrà aperta al pubblico sabato 23 e domenica 24 ottobre dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 12.00 e dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 19.00.

Da lunedì 25 a mercoledì 27 ottobre l'ingresso è riservato alle scuole previa prenotazione.

Per informazioni ed adesioni contattare CLAC ( )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cipralex Causing Anger

Opening Festival of Design ® in Brianza

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza con ... :

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza

Presentazione in anteprima del cortometraggio
“Il pensiero della mano”

Un film di : Mattia Colombo e Karole di Tommaso
Fotografia : Francesco Ferri
Montaggio : Francesca Balbo
Supervisione : Silvio Soldini
Coordinatore progetto : Bruno Oliviero
Supervisione al montaggio : Carlotta Cristiani
Una produzione : OffiCine - Laboratorio Permanente

Seguirà confronto con gli autori.

La serata proseguirà con un momento conviviale accompagnato da una performance del ballerino di Tango argentino Alejandro Angelica con l’accompagnamento musicale dal vivo del Colectivo Tanguero.

Alejandro Angelica

Alejandro Angelica

Alejandro Angelica

Danzatore, ricercatore ed artista polivalente argentino. Si avvicina al tango formando parte del “Ballet Municipal de Tango de Zarate”, parallelamente si dedica allo studio della danza classica, contemporanea, contact improvisation e recitazione. Dal balletto si distacca per dedicarsi all’aspetto più profondo del tango, l’improvvisazione.

Frequentando le milonghe di Buenos Aires inizia cosi uno studio personale che, attraverso l’apporto di diverse discipline della danza e advanced techniques of motion analysis, culminating in the development of a clear and innovative technique that allows you to explore all aspects of the dynamic and expressive tango. Important was the meeting with Grondona Luis "viejo milonguero" dancer and recognized worldwide, it starts to tango "canyengue", existing since the first style of tango milonga which is the result that all other styles of the tango and where they understand the 'marcazione origin of the walk, the embrace, the use of the center of the body and interpretation of music. Using this basis, he developed an innovative method TANGOPURO ®, based on analysis of the movement, communication, the interpretation of the music and the interaction of the couple as an individual entity within the context of "milonga".

holds workshops and dance shows and in numerous international festivals in Europe and Asia. He was part of the company QUAT'ZARTS Paris interpreting the play "A fuego lento" Catherine Berbesou; also created, directed and choreographed several shows that combine the arts with several tango, among which one can cite the Vumba, Androgen , Tango. Currently he is an interpreter of the show "Tanga moon" produced by Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan where he collaborated with choreographer Susanna Beltrami in CREATION show mercy and with Luciana Savignano, an artist of international renown. He founded the company in Italy Colectivo tango and is co-author with Lawrence Ravazzani the show "So furi Tango", the first of its kind to combine pure theatricality in music, dance and drama, beyond the specialty of each individual interpreter .

has participated in numerous TV shows and short films: T02 Dossier for RAI, Costume and Society (TG), Love hne (MW) and the San Remo Festival in 2001 as an artist invited. He speaks fluent English, Italian, French and English

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Best Mixster With Vodka

Mz8: dark, bias, and frame thermal

Ieri volevo provare ad elaborare una serie di foto di M31 da 600 secondi acquisite con la Mz8 che, salvo errori, produce un delta termico di -30°C, senza avere i dark corrispondenti.

Ho cosi' provato ad usare l'apposita funzione "ottimizza dark frame" di Astroart.
Per farlo bisogna pero' preventivamente sottrarre il bias dall'immagine e dal dark di cui si dispone.

Ho notato quanto segue:



Thermal frame

!?! But

and 'so' essential to have always taken the dark at the temperature and duration of image acquisition? Lucio

Damn! You
was right!
The huge difference was due to the different stretch of the images.
After subtracting the resulting image is more 'but only until dark' on Astroart, do not click on the bottom bar of the photo. After
becomes so ':

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fudge Puppy Waffle Dog Baker

New Moon - September 2010 - 4-12/9/2010

For the new moon of September I was taken a week off in the hope of being able to do something.

From the weather initially seemed to be the best time on the weekend of 4-6.
Unfortunately, as often happens the weather more 'correct those were general and not detailed to the desired location.
fact both Saturday and Sunday night I arrived on time in the Air (low), that left me deep in the fog (at least until the time that I decided to give up .. the approximately 22:30-23).

Not to waste time on Monday 'I decided to go home, hoping for an improvement for the following weekend.

Fortunately things have improved and gived 'night I found at Balma with Lucio. Unfortunately

Thursday 'after a couple of hours we were "working" and 'the mist came again, while Friday' time and 'was perfect: crisp and perfectly clear.

Friday 'came Chiara, and Giancarlo, and Saturday I'll be with Salvatore, James, and more' late David.

For my part I had to try the new electronics to drive the telescope, the Gemini Pulsar2 the Hungarian company.

For the moment, being content only to check alignment procedures, goto autoguide, everything seems perfect, with the simplification, compared to previously used DA1, not having to set the keyboard drive from the PC or the relay chamber guide which often forcing me to close the acquisition program because of being forgot to do so.

The group photo will be, as usual, soon be available on my personal site, but here I attach only the astronomical photos.

Following the tests done previously, I used the program for the acquisition of CcdCap MagZero for tracking and Maxim. How
from tests carried out, not 'see any lines on individual poses.

Saturday evening, among other pictures, I tried the Helix nebula.
Sum of 29 exposures of 300 seconds, dark and flat, MagZero Mz8 Fsq85 up.

Tuesday '14 settembre 2010 hours 07:50

I spent the afternoon and evening yesterday trying to process the images taken in last weekend.
I am more and more 'account to be truly prevented capacity as' computing.
Despite two "courses" made by David and Leonard have not been able to learn how to draw pictures for educational purposes!
E 'prorpio true Leo: I have a Ferrari in the ass but the license for the tricycle!

However I was really amazed by what I took out the Atik 314L + attached to C8 f / 6,3 ..... without guidance, without dark, no flat (without add collimation seen the state of the stars), maybe just enough to fire right (thanks to the blessed Bahtinov mask), the Great Nebula of Orion.

I did just for fun only 150 exposures of 10 second in the state described above, then processed with Maxim, with manual alignment sigma clip, followed by only two stretch logarithmic / linear!

Here is what I 'letteralemte turned out despite the severe limitations (ps: among other things did not really understand where they are over ... so if someone was' kind enough to help me .... richettienrico snails

And with this more 'stature color:

September 20, 2010

For M45 that I have 11 frames of 300 seconds' the usual Drak, Flat and Bias (again just this last Sunday with l'ausilio di CCdCap) ho tentato una nuova successione degli "eventi" procedendo in questo modo:
Calibrazione e allineamento con Maxim;
Somma e conversione a colori con Astroart;
Stretch logaritimici/lineari con Maxim (2);
Saturazione e salvataggio 8bit con Astroart.
Ps: o e' successo qualcosa di strano in fase di elaborazione oppure ho beccato un Ufo. Lo vedete anche Voi?

Con M31 (di cui ho 12 frame da 300 secondi e 7 da 600 secondi) la cosa non ha funzionato ed ho dovuto procedere in altro modo:
Calibrazione e conversione a colori con Astroart;
Allineamento con Maxim (una gran fatica... il pc non riesce ad allineare tutte le immagini convertite color);
Sum with Astroart;
Stretch logaritimici / linear Maxim (2);
saturation, unsharp mask with 8bit and rescue Astroart.

With M33 I have adopted the same system, adding 15 frames of 300 seconds, but content with a single stretch logarithmic / linear.

And this' for a bit more saturated colors.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Heathrow Express Discount

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Sei interessato ad una lezione di prova gratuita presso la nostra scuola?

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homemade Sour Cream Powder

tests CCD - Saturday, 21/08/2010

Today I did several tests to see if I could find the problem causing photos striped.

Maybe I could find it!

Chronicle of evidence:

1) Both CCD and neighbors are active as owner.
-Entrambi collegati con Maxim5
-I cavi usb sono completamente attorcigliati insieme e ammucchiati
-L'alimentatore e' acceso
-Ci sono alcune spire annodate sul cavo da 6mmq di alimentazione a 12V (c.a. 5) si presentano cioe' con cavi incrociati a X
Si vedono alcune (2 o 3) righe orizzontali sulla mz8
Il FFT sembra evidenziare struttura ripetitiva, ma identica su tutta l'immagine con andamento diagonale dal basso verso l'alto, da sinistra verso destra

2) Stessa situazione ECCETTO:
-Spire aperte
-Atik allontanata a circa 1mt
Non sembrano piu' vedersi le righe orizzontali
Il FFT non sembra diverso dal primo
Confermo che comunque non si vedono righe orizzontali

3) Riprovo riavvicinando i due ccd
-I due ccd sono a non piu' di 5cm l'uno dall'altro
Non sembra di vedere righe orizzontali
Il FFt e' come i precedenti

4) Riprovo incrociando le spire (sul cavo di alimentazione generale a 12V)
-Fatto 7 "incroci"
Peccato! niente righe neanche cosi'!!!!!
Anche il FFT non sembra diverso

5) Riprovo incrociando anche i cavi batteria
-Arrotolati completamente
Nessuna riga!!!!

6) Riprovo come sopra attivado la Atik 314L+ come se autoguidasse ma senza collegare il telescopio
Here! The photo and 'full of lines!!
The FFT does not seem different

7) Retry as "6)" but eliminating the crossings on all the electrical cables
Result: Always
lines that seem even increased compared to "6)" where the wires were all cross

8) Try again as "7)" but the two rooms away about three feet
Score: Photos
always ruled

9) Please try turning off the power supply
Score: Photos
always ruled

10) Try again with power on but WITHOUT autoguide
Score: Photos
again ok!

11) autoguiding Please try changing the USB connector on PC-
Now the two CCD are connected to USB ports on opposite sides of the pc:
Atik Mz8 left and right again on the usual connector
The photo and 're-striped!

12) I try as above but changing acquisition program ripetto than driving
Astroart acquisition
= Maxim = autoguide
The picture does not appear to present lines again!?!
Whether it's a compatibility problem 'of the rooms on the same program (MaximDL)? There
'but' the problem that Maxim seems to go in slow motion since the Mz8 and 'connected to Astroart!

13) I feel more self-guided with Maxim (and 'the only one that supports more than Astroart Atik 314L +) and acquiring con il programma nativo della Mz8 (CCDCap)
La foto anche qui sembra ok!!!!!!
Forse non devo solo usare lo stesso programma (Maxim) per guidare e catturare immagini!!

14) Riprovo a fare una foto con Maxim ed autoguidando con Maxim
Purtroppo si e' inchiodato maxim e ho dovuto riavviare il pc.
Spero non infici le prove fatte!
In effetti si sono ripresentate le solite righe

15) Riprovo usando Astroart sia per ripresa che per autoguida
Con astroart bisogna pero' usare due sessioni diverse per giudare e fotografare
La foto risulta priva di righe orizzontali!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What If My Dog Is Pooping Blood

La Balma - New Moon 6-7/8/2010

Having seen the weather forecast for mid-August we were not very good I tried this out for two days over the usual refuge Prato Nevoso.

As mentioned in the previous post I had prepared the equipment planning to improve the situation:
Berlebach tripod-New Planet;
-separation of all the data cables and power supply.

Unfortunately the desired results have not been seen!
autoguiding continue to occur according to the usual photo "Arrigoni"!

At this point I still have a lot of variation with ':
"I have already' tried to feed a 12V or 220V - no change;
I-shortened 12V cable that comes from food to diramamzione "star" that I got - no results, but I did not think of seeing as even feeding all the individual transformers with a 220V to 12V did not change anything, I tried to separate
- all the cables (2 usb cables and power supply unit, which were joined together in a single coil) - no result.

The next time I can still try:
-redirect Mz8 turning so as to guide the connectors in the opposite direction to the guide camera;
-Increase the separation between the two telescopes using a double bar over 'long;
- Replace the electronic control of the mount (MicroGiga DA1) with another (I can take? FS2? Gemini? ? )
Hand-Drive?! : (-The problem seems to occur only with the guider running!


Add a couple of photos as it is now the telscopio.

The new stand looks more effectively 'stable of the old post, although I regret the system of leveling a leveling screws, which did not require removing the tripod from the ground when you stretch your legs change the footprint.
sinful it was unable to find the best legs column!

To continue using the C8 for autoguide I added a gear F / 6.3 that already 'had.
In this way, using 2x2 binning, and the situation 'similar to when I used the David Mak has a focal length of 1500mm compared with about 1200 of C8 in this configuration.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Desnudo Aaron Diaz Aaron Diaz Desnudo??

Summer Camp Gawh 7 / 14 July 2010

again this year and 'The time has come the summer camp of the Amateur Astronomers Group William Herschel.

On my site I have included a series of photographs taken in those days, but what about the record, refer to the excellent sites of other members, but here I write about topics more 'purely technical.

From the point of view of astronomical photographic production have not been very fortunate in that electrical problems have haunted me all the time, but having the good fortune to remain for several days with friends much more 'experts (including Leonardo, Lucius and I'll be), I was able to take advantage of their knowledge to understand my problems and try to overcome them for the future .

As for the power supply of the equipment I had prepared a system with a regulated power supply with battery backup.
I was able to verify that the system works well, because some falls at the mains at 220V telescope and CCD continut have to operate without blocking issues.
Unfortunately, the 12V cable (6 sq.) that I had prepared seems to be too long and cause interference that rovinano le fotografie.
Dovro' provare ad accorciarlo ed inserire delle ferriti, nonche' provare ad attorcigliare i due fili.

La montatura, che non inseguiva bene, con errori piuttosto consistenti, superiori ai 5 pixel, con picchi saltuari decisamente superiori, grazie agli insegnamenti ricevuti si e' stabilizzata su un buon massimo di un pixel ed una media decisamente migliore.
Stupidamente pensavo che inseguendo con il C8 a F/10 avrei dovuto avere degli errori di guida che fotografando a 450 mm di focale avrebbero prodotto delle foto perfette.
Ho invece imparato che, almeno con la montatura G11 di cui dispongo, e' meglio inseguire con focali decisamente inferiorio al metro.
Another mistake that I did was set an integration time of the room being driven too high.
From what I heard from other friends, and read on the manuals and the Internet, the integration time was meant to avoid seeing the chase, so he should be around 3 seconds. Instead
using as guides the telescope Maksutov Skywatcher 5 "borrowed from David, and setting the camera driving at 0.5 seconds in 2x2 binning, tracking errors are now the ones mentioned above.

but I am afraid 'that part of the interference problems recorded is due to its maggor "speed" action of the frame.
I think, also for the fact that I had put together in a single beam and USB cables room than those of motor control, this higher speed 'Frame of action has resulted in underexposed.

more ....

the end I still tried to salvage the pictures made and these are the results, taking into account the lessons drawn by Leonardo (at least to what I still remember)!

All photos are made with MagZero Mz8 Fsq85 and Takahashi, processing and MaximDL Astroart.

Shii 91
not apparent some nebulosity '.
E 'likely to be a very Evanescene object and do at least H-alpha filter, although it is indicated in the catalog with luminosity '2.
sum of 5 exposures of 300s, flat and dark.

Retainer 54 would be a beautiful object, but with the problems brought by electrical interference and only 2 exposures of 300s, with flat and dark, and the result 'and that'!

Ngc 7000 In this photo of Pelican and North America seem to not be noticed electrical interference.
Sum of 4 poses 300s, flat and dark.

Sum of 13 exposures of 300s, flat and dark.
Two different calculations, in the second I think you put more 'prominence in the haze' around.

M4, Ngc6144 ed un accenno di SHii9, intorno alla stella luminosa in alto, naturalmente il tutto condito dalle solite interferenze elettriche.
Somma di 7 pose da 180s, flat e dark.

ShII 108 intorno a Sadr (Gam Cyg), visibili anche Ngc6910 e Cr419 (in alto).
Somma di 6 pose da 600s, flat e dark.

Ancora M4 e Ngc6144, ma tentando di riprendere in particolare SHii9, che qui risulta leggermente piu' evidente.
Somma di 4 pose da 300s, flat e dark.