Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cipralex Causing Anger

Opening Festival of Design ® in Brianza

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza con ... :

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza

Inaugurazione Festival del Design® in Brianza

Presentazione in anteprima del cortometraggio
“Il pensiero della mano”

Un film di : Mattia Colombo e Karole di Tommaso
Fotografia : Francesco Ferri
Montaggio : Francesca Balbo
Supervisione : Silvio Soldini
Coordinatore progetto : Bruno Oliviero
Supervisione al montaggio : Carlotta Cristiani
Una produzione : OffiCine - Laboratorio Permanente

Seguirà confronto con gli autori.

La serata proseguirà con un momento conviviale accompagnato da una performance del ballerino di Tango argentino Alejandro Angelica con l’accompagnamento musicale dal vivo del Colectivo Tanguero.

Alejandro Angelica

Alejandro Angelica

Alejandro Angelica

Danzatore, ricercatore ed artista polivalente argentino. Si avvicina al tango formando parte del “Ballet Municipal de Tango de Zarate”, parallelamente si dedica allo studio della danza classica, contemporanea, contact improvisation e recitazione. Dal balletto si distacca per dedicarsi all’aspetto più profondo del tango, l’improvvisazione.

Frequentando le milonghe di Buenos Aires inizia cosi uno studio personale che, attraverso l’apporto di diverse discipline della danza e advanced techniques of motion analysis, culminating in the development of a clear and innovative technique that allows you to explore all aspects of the dynamic and expressive tango. Important was the meeting with Grondona Luis "viejo milonguero" dancer and recognized worldwide, it starts to tango "canyengue", existing since the first style of tango milonga which is the result that all other styles of the tango and where they understand the 'marcazione origin of the walk, the embrace, the use of the center of the body and interpretation of music. Using this basis, he developed an innovative method TANGOPURO ®, based on analysis of the movement, communication, the interpretation of the music and the interaction of the couple as an individual entity within the context of "milonga".

holds workshops and dance shows and in numerous international festivals in Europe and Asia. He was part of the company QUAT'ZARTS Paris interpreting the play "A fuego lento" Catherine Berbesou; also created, directed and choreographed several shows that combine the arts with several tango, among which one can cite the Vumba, Androgen , Tango. Currently he is an interpreter of the show "Tanga moon" produced by Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan where he collaborated with choreographer Susanna Beltrami in CREATION show mercy and with Luciana Savignano, an artist of international renown. He founded the company in Italy Colectivo tango and is co-author with Lawrence Ravazzani the show "So furi Tango", the first of its kind to combine pure theatricality in music, dance and drama, beyond the specialty of each individual interpreter .

has participated in numerous TV shows and short films: T02 Dossier for RAI, Costume and Society (TG), Love hne (MW) and the San Remo Festival in 2001 as an artist invited. He speaks fluent English, Italian, French and English


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