Monday, November 1, 2010

Bang Bros Apartment Miami Beach


A new association was founded in January 2008 and named after the first "Avid Varese and then, after a few months of life, has become a non-profit organization" . A non-political association, which, after having prepared the group, given the experience gained in care of its volunteers, but also upgraded all of its components, has started a project and coordination assistance for the disabled and infirm to INPS, INAIL, ASL and Motor Vehicles on a voluntary basis for free, taking care of the welfare plan for the protection and improvement of quality of life and work of invalids, disabled workers and injured workers, as well as widows and orphans of the fallen at work.
Opera also, as they have always done in the past all its volunteers and founding members, to promote the safety of workers in the workplace, even necessary sensitizing public opinion, working with the persons entitled to a suitable work, including the organization of thematic conferences, working with the various sports events for disabled people, in order to enhance the inclusion of the subject uncomfortable in the workplace, social and cultural. Works to improve the everyday people with disabilities through increased mobility, offering discounts and benefits already agreed to buy cars. Directs the disabled on the exemption provided for in the automotive field and provides a car multiadattata to acquire, renew licenses and reclassify Special B without rental costs, costs for some tiered Driving schools that have joined the service and economic support money for the expenses incurred by disabled people. This is what he has persuaded to join, and then to undertake a voluntary path to where the rights of citizens are being neglected in some cases from both the legislative and cultural and welfare work. Our humble professionalism, for voluntary assistance in collaboration with CAF and patronage has enabled the group of about 15 volunteers, scattered in the province of Varese, to address directly the issues in question. This initiative is just as associations in organizing a volunteer work, free to offer all citizens who need or request it, a set of social security and welfare services, at no cost, no membership cards, without withholding it from the salary, he retired from, much less demands on the Rights of percentages recovered. The association of those concerned, is totally free, it is not expected statutariarmente no membership fee, but only donations, in the entity and the possibility of persons wishing to help. Technical work performed in the highest sense of values, to the members and to any citizen who requests it. The Avid Varese actively strives every day, even in speeding the practices undertaken at the appropriate bodies, trying to eliminate the usual red tape, advising, directing and even necessary in some cases using external professionals or agencies, management to:
- occupational accidents, occupational diseases and accidents
    in Itinere
-  richiesta del Danno biologico.
-  richiesta di invalidita’ civile con visite, certificazione e
   assistenza in 
   Commissione ASL, del Medico Legale in convenzione
-  richieste pensionistiche in genere e previdenziali  
-  assistenza disabili acquisto auto, per la scontistica and
percentage agreed with the automakers.
- assistance on VAT rates, road tax exemption, exemption
- free tax assistance for the disabled through the CAF.
- PIT recovery car purchase.
- cost recovery changes to the car INAIL, the ASL and
Regional Law 23.
-  iscrizione per la visita presso l’ufficio provinciale patenti
-  modifiche auto con officine autorizzate.
-  conseguimento e riclassificazione patenti B Speciali con
   macchina multiadattata senza costi di noleggio
-  prove ed esame di guida con auto adattata modificabile
   per qualsiasi patologia.
- autoscuole specializzate con costi calmierati, con
   macchina multiadattata  AVID, per l’autoscuola per
   disabili e invalidi
Con questo e con quanto espresso in queste poche righe, L’A.V.I.D. Varese onlus, grazie ai suoi volontari, sta cercando di rivoluzionare un vecchio e odioso sistema assistenziale partito e sostenuto dalla meta del secolo scorso. Una cattiva cultura, dove per un'assistenza già pagata dal Governo, veniva, come avviene ancora oggi, prima la richiesta di denaro al cittadino per il tesseramento e successivamente, percentuali sui diritti recuperati. Certamente questi volontari a Varese non hanno scoperto l’acqua calda, ma stanno lavorando per farsi che ogni cittadino possa essere assistito in modo dignitoso e trasparente verso tutti i suoi diritti, senza mettere mano al portafoglio. I volontari dell’AVID Varese Onlus con grosse difficoltà nel paese degli interessi ci stanno provando, il lavoro di assistenza e coordinamento cresce ogni giorno, questo è anche un segnale del cambiamento, un segnale che ogni cittadino, ogni giorno, si rende conto che l’assistenza è un diritto e non deve essere un costo o un interesse

Oggi l’Oggi l’AVID Varese Onlus, per questo progetto volontario, cosciente delle difficoltà ma non certo impossibile, è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi volontari da formare ed avviare presso i nostri sportelli volontari gratuiti sparsi nei vari Comuni della Provincia di Varese. Più volontari, per aiutare più cittadini che hanno bisogno di essere indirizzati, assistiti o accompagnati nei modi, metodi e sistemi burocratici più giusti e trasparenti. Ti aspettiamo!!


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