Saturday, July 24, 2010

Desnudo Aaron Diaz Aaron Diaz Desnudo??

Summer Camp Gawh 7 / 14 July 2010

again this year and 'The time has come the summer camp of the Amateur Astronomers Group William Herschel.

On my site I have included a series of photographs taken in those days, but what about the record, refer to the excellent sites of other members, but here I write about topics more 'purely technical.

From the point of view of astronomical photographic production have not been very fortunate in that electrical problems have haunted me all the time, but having the good fortune to remain for several days with friends much more 'experts (including Leonardo, Lucius and I'll be), I was able to take advantage of their knowledge to understand my problems and try to overcome them for the future .

As for the power supply of the equipment I had prepared a system with a regulated power supply with battery backup.
I was able to verify that the system works well, because some falls at the mains at 220V telescope and CCD continut have to operate without blocking issues.
Unfortunately, the 12V cable (6 sq.) that I had prepared seems to be too long and cause interference that rovinano le fotografie.
Dovro' provare ad accorciarlo ed inserire delle ferriti, nonche' provare ad attorcigliare i due fili.

La montatura, che non inseguiva bene, con errori piuttosto consistenti, superiori ai 5 pixel, con picchi saltuari decisamente superiori, grazie agli insegnamenti ricevuti si e' stabilizzata su un buon massimo di un pixel ed una media decisamente migliore.
Stupidamente pensavo che inseguendo con il C8 a F/10 avrei dovuto avere degli errori di guida che fotografando a 450 mm di focale avrebbero prodotto delle foto perfette.
Ho invece imparato che, almeno con la montatura G11 di cui dispongo, e' meglio inseguire con focali decisamente inferiorio al metro.
Another mistake that I did was set an integration time of the room being driven too high.
From what I heard from other friends, and read on the manuals and the Internet, the integration time was meant to avoid seeing the chase, so he should be around 3 seconds. Instead
using as guides the telescope Maksutov Skywatcher 5 "borrowed from David, and setting the camera driving at 0.5 seconds in 2x2 binning, tracking errors are now the ones mentioned above.

but I am afraid 'that part of the interference problems recorded is due to its maggor "speed" action of the frame.
I think, also for the fact that I had put together in a single beam and USB cables room than those of motor control, this higher speed 'Frame of action has resulted in underexposed.

more ....

the end I still tried to salvage the pictures made and these are the results, taking into account the lessons drawn by Leonardo (at least to what I still remember)!

All photos are made with MagZero Mz8 Fsq85 and Takahashi, processing and MaximDL Astroart.

Shii 91
not apparent some nebulosity '.
E 'likely to be a very Evanescene object and do at least H-alpha filter, although it is indicated in the catalog with luminosity '2.
sum of 5 exposures of 300s, flat and dark.

Retainer 54 would be a beautiful object, but with the problems brought by electrical interference and only 2 exposures of 300s, with flat and dark, and the result 'and that'!

Ngc 7000 In this photo of Pelican and North America seem to not be noticed electrical interference.
Sum of 4 poses 300s, flat and dark.

Sum of 13 exposures of 300s, flat and dark.
Two different calculations, in the second I think you put more 'prominence in the haze' around.

M4, Ngc6144 ed un accenno di SHii9, intorno alla stella luminosa in alto, naturalmente il tutto condito dalle solite interferenze elettriche.
Somma di 7 pose da 180s, flat e dark.

ShII 108 intorno a Sadr (Gam Cyg), visibili anche Ngc6910 e Cr419 (in alto).
Somma di 6 pose da 600s, flat e dark.

Ancora M4 e Ngc6144, ma tentando di riprendere in particolare SHii9, che qui risulta leggermente piu' evidente.
Somma di 4 pose da 300s, flat e dark.


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