Saturday, June 21, 2008

Absorption Of Paper Towels


Hiddink's Russia did not awe, took over Holland, but no fear. and win by about European and honor this.

is perfect amalgam of the Dutch coach, master tactician and life, and surgical care and perfection to the work by the Russian athletes, commendable and extraordinary in terms of travel, speed and stamina, and respectable in technical values \u200b\u200band individualism leading to Andrei Arshavin, a continuous and relentless thorn in the side of opposing defenses, with his eyes fell on the ball, his speed, dribbling tight, bright and assists his sharp shooting.

the game.
these Europeans in the Netherlands has shown serious shortcomings defensive tactics being done in a very superficial and incomplete, with the defenders in totale balia della propria mediocrità. ma nella fase a gironi ha avuto la sua giusta fortuna, sfoggiando un gioco d'attacco sfavillante.
questa volta però ha dovuto fare i conti con la fase difensiva orchestrata da hiddink: lineare, ordinata, di grande concentrazione, pazienza e forza di nervi. e l'olanda è finita per rimanere imbrigliata, stritolata nella morsa russa: pressing serrato sul portatore di palla e una stoica marcatura a uomo sugli avversari in movimento. una mossa perfetta per distruggere la forza dei singoli orange e il loro frenetico movimento alla ricerca dello spazio e della verticalizzazione giusta, anche quando gli olandesi, in svantaggio, si gettano in avanti con gran forza ma picchiando la testa sul muro russo almeno fino Van Nistelrooy's goal, which exploits the unique minimal suffering shown by the men of Hiddink: defending the set piece. too perfect, but perfection is not of this world.
the Russians did not lose heart and after the orange tie back into the chair, to earn honor with the next round. Holland, after the new disadvantages desist, kneels and bows his head before the mother russia.

russia pyrotechnics.
absolute perfection of Russia has its legitimate actions offensive outburst spectacular. attacks are real frontal assaults to their opponents. the counterattacks a devastating weapon, created with frightening speed and with a minimum of four men who flock to bring all metacampo of suicide bombers in attacking, but suicide bombers are endowed with unusual caution since each attacks a specific space and with a certain role in order to orchestrate a remarkable range of opportunities to shoot on goal. at the end of the races, had the opportunities are endless and it is only common sense that not all of them turn into goals.

football is work, but at the same time than pride. but is also aware of the tactical balance, what is lacking in Russia's infamous debut against Spain, and Hiddink has had to take care of finding a team on the roof of Europe masterpiece.


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