Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 Minute Famous Funny Movie Speeches



Il nuovo collegato lavoro, pubblicato il 09 novembre 2010, visto in particolare l’articolo 24, attiva una miriade di innovazioni sui permessi lavorativi  verso i cittadini dipendenti che assistono family members with severe disabilities, dramatically changing a few directives to activate the time the facilities of the Law 104/92.

Subsequently, two circulars, one of the INPS and the Civil Service, have clarified these provisions. Time such rights as citizens public and private employees, was the ability to benefit from three days per month, paid, covered by notional contribution, even on an ongoing basis, provided that the disability was not hospitalized.

Now, changes or new directives, involving more citizens in particular workers who care un parente o un affine di terzo grado con grave disabilità, ma tali permessi, dall’INPS verranno al più presto sottoposti al riesame.
Per coloro che in passato, avevano presentato richiesta di assistenza e quindi la possibilità di poter usufruire i tre giorni al mese e gli erano stati negati per mancanza di requisiti di continuità ed esclusività dell’assistenza, ora potranno nuovamente ripresentare richiesta di concessione della Legge 104/92 e sue modifiche.

Per quanto riguarda i parenti e gli affini di terzo grado, essi potranno usufruire delle agevolazioni se i genitori o il coniuge, in situazione di disabilità grave, abbiano compiuto sixty-five or older, are also carriers of debilitating diseases or died.
advanced applications in the past and permissions already granted, will be reviewed. Therefore, the employee will again all the elements required certificates and relevant in order to verify the existence or otherwise, by the new requirements under the law 183/2010.

The above-mentioned articles of the Law, now stress that can not be granted permission to more than one city worker to assist the same person with severe disability.
Just INPS interprets these indications, such as a ban all'alternatività among several beneficiaries, unless they are not parents.

Following the new directives of the Law 183/10, you will examine the applications and the permits already granted to several family members to assist the only person with severe disability, although it is certainly difficult to support the ban 'alternately, on different days or in different months.

Certainly the most serious aspect that will have greater operational impacts, will be the elimination of the requirement of continuity and exclusivity of the assistance. Thus, workers voted for other people care for the disabled, you will have the opportunity to resubmit an application previously rejected maybe only for the striking distance of the family in need.
For these new guidelines will, in our view, be reviewed some items are unclear, and after a trial or settlement of the Law, as always, to the emergence of additional problems, re-examined.

What do you think of the new directives on Law 104/92?. Send us your feedback.


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