Friday, February 4, 2011

Can People Have Yellow Eyes

Risarcimento danno biologico per infortunio lavorativo: cos'è e chi ne ha diritto.

Ritieniamo opportuno con questo articolo avviare una serie di considerazioni su aspetti giuridici di particolare rilievo legati al mondo della disabilità and beyond. The items will be handled by our legal department is to remind the public on Saturday morning from 9.00 to 12.00.

The biological damage.

The biological damage is the result of physical injury to an event (accident business, traffic accident, etc.).. The lesion may cause a temporary disability or cause debilitating consequences, that is a permanent impairment of physical capacity of a subject.
When the lesion is determined by an occupational accident, the injured worker who has a disability permamente ha, come a tutti noto, diritto di essere risarcito da parte dell'Inail, cioè dall'assicurazione obbligatoria.
Qualora tuttavia l'infortunio lavorativo si verifichi per colpa del datore di lavoro, il lavoratore ha diritto al risarcimento del danno biologico c.d. differenziale, il cui onere è posto a carico esclusivo dell'imprenditore, il quale dovrà quindi rispondere o personalmente o a mezzo di specifica copertura assicurativa privata, integrativa quindi di quella pubblica.
Ma cos'è il danno biologico differenziale e quando il datore di lavoro è da considerarsi responsabile dell'infortunio?
In mancanza di una normativa specifica, il calcolo del danno biologico in civil proceedings is left to the discretion of the Judge. The evolution of case law on the subject led to the compilation of tables of physical damages observers drawn from the study established for that purpose at the main Italian courts. These include credit and enjoy particular application, the criteria used, ease of reading and the overall fairness of assessment of the damage, the so-called Milan compensation tables, prepared by the Centre Court of Milan and updated every two years.
Well, the biological damage differential is just the mathematical difference between the compensation offered physical Inail (calculated for obvious reasons containment of social costs on the basis of scales of damage and reduced economic assessments) and the upper calculated according to the above tables Milanesi.
The amount of biological damage differential is substantial and is progressively increasing in relation to the percentage of disability established.
A concrete example. A woman of 39 years with 32% receiving disability established Inail, in the form of annuity, a compensation equal in principal amount to € 70,245. According to the tables in Milan, the same percentage of disability entails a right to just compensation for the physical damage of € 128,768, with a differential paid by the employer to € 58,523.
That right there, as we said, when liability has been established that the employer may take the form of fault generation, for incompetence, recklessness or negligence, or for specific fault, that is, for non-compliance of workplace safety, refer to both places, both in the production cycle.
In these cases, because the employer is criminally responsible for the crime of injury or wrongful death of the worker, the event involves criminal law applicable in civil proceedings for compensation of material damage cd provided Civil Code Article .2059., that the sufferings of a psychological nature relating to the accident suffered by a worker.
This item of damage is totally neglected Inail, but is counted in the calendar. To keep the example proposed, Tables Milanesi, in relation to the percentage of disability indicated, quantify the moral ( more correctly called non-pecuniary damage than the biological damage) in an amount corresponding to 48% of the biological damage, amounting to € 61,808 and then, add up to the differential biological.
We invite you to express your comments, requests, doubts etc. che ci saranno utili per operare pubblicazioni sempre più mirate ed utili. 



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